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Complaints Policy

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How to make a complaint?

Welcome to the Complaints section of our website. Here we set out how Quidie Limited will seek to resolve your complaint. Firstly, we are sorry if you are not satisfied with an element of the service you have received and we would like to thank you for taking the time to let us know about it.

Contacting us

You can contact us in a number of different ways:

  • By using the Live Chat service on our website
  • By telephone on 020 3476 5171
  • By email to
  • By post to Complaints Department, Fernovo, TBHX@ Sunley House, Bedford Park, CR0 2AP, Croydon

Information we will need to process your complaint

It is really important to us that we understand your complaint properly as this will help us resolve the issue for you quickly and improve our customer service in the long term. Please make sure you include information about:

  • Who you are, including your current contact details and another customer identification number we may have given you
  • Full details about what has caused you to complain, when it happened and what we can do for you to put it right
  • Any other information you think is relevant to the complaint and can help us resolve it for you.

How we will try to resolve your complaint

Once we have received your complaint, the first thing we will do is try to resolve it for you on the spot. We want to ensure that you receive a prompt and fair outcome to your complaint. If we are unable to do that we will send you an email confirming that we are investigating on your behalf. We may ask you for more information at this point if we think we need to improve our understanding of your complaint.

If we cannot find a solution for you within eight weeks we will send you our final written response which will detail the outcome of our investigation, any final offer we have decided upon and how we came to that decision.

We use email as it helps speed up communication allowing us to resolve your complaint more quickly. If you would like us to communicate using a different method, please indicate that when making your complaint. We will do our best to accommodate your request.

What you can do if you are not happy with our final written response

If you are unhappy with our Final Written Response and wish to appeal further you have the right to make a formal complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service. You must make sure you do this within six months of receiving the Final Written Response or you may lose your right to ask the Ombudsman to review your complaint.

The contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are as follows:

Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower, London
E14 9SR

Phone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123

You may also be interested to read their pamphlet, “Your complaint and the ombudsman” which can be found here.

Consumer Credit Trade Association Conciliation Service

Please be aware that as part of our membership, the Consumer Credit Trade Association offer a conciliation service between you as the customer and us. If you feel that a complaint you have made is not being answered properly by us you can ask them to provide the service by calling or writing to the address below. Please note that they will not consider the complaint if you have requested the Financial Ombudsman Service to provide a decision.

CCTA Conciliation Service
Airedale House, Aire Valley Business Park, Dowley Gap Lane, Bingley. BD16 1WA

Telephone: 0127 471 4959

Version dated: 26.09.17

Complaints data

How many complaints have been reported to the FCA in the last reporting Period?

  • FRN 674141
  • Semester: 2024 H2
  • Complaints received: 1105
  • Complaints closed: 1265
  • Complaints upheld by the firm: 180
  • Percentage upheld: 14.2%